Monday, July 22, 2013

Musical Math

Like math, music is all around us everywhere.    From the birds singing, the roll of ocean waves to jingles on commercials and our favorite song on the radio.  Most people would not link these two subjects.  They have more in common then people think.  An article I read called "Music, Math, Patterns"  by Natasha Glydon gives some examples on how closely related they are.  Here's the site  Studies have linked math and music all the way back to the ancient Greeks.    In the following article, Fibonacci sequence is mentioned.   This was discovered by Leonardo of Pisa(nicknamed Fibonacci), who lived from 1170-1230.    This sequence is found in nature all around us and I found a video that gives an interesting perspective on life.  

 Advertising companies have figured it out.   They make up jingles and songs for their products.  Why, because we remember songs and sing them in our heads throughout the day.   We even remember jingles of products we don't like.   This has been a strategy for years.   So why has it then taken us so long in the education field to put this strategy to good use?     Combining music and math will make learning not only fun but students are more likely to remember the math song and concept.   In recent years, more and more teachers are embracing this idea.     Here are some examples:  here is an older grade  This are just of of the many examples out there. This site offers an article on the benefit of music with math.     By exploring new ways to teach math we as teachers will be able to tap into our students different abilities.   Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences encourages people to learn in all different ways.   By opening the many doors into our students minds will make learning fun and something they remember.  I think singing and dancing are something that all elementary children can relate too.  Relating a subject to the student makes it easier for them to understand and want to learn the subject.

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